Peaks: Pierce, Jackson, Webster
Trails: Webster Jackson Trail, Webster Cliff Trail, Crawford Path
Mileage: 9.40
Elevation Gain: 3,297′
Weather: 38(F). felt like mid 30’s/low 40’s for most of the day, overcast with decent visibility to surrounding peaks.
Ground Conditions: Lower elevations were clear of snow with occasional mud, but for most of the day at upper elevations, it was great to put the light traction to use. Plenty of snow still out there – glad neither of us postholed at all on this trip.
Notes: Overall a straightforward spring hike all things considered. Aside from a few patches, we wore spikes from after the waterfall crossing on the way up, until just beyond the mitzpah cut-off. The start and end of the day was essentially snow free and a few muddy spots. We did fine with light traction and did not post hole or have any sketchy steps. The snow was stable for the most part. Gibbs falls was worth checking out!