Mount Moriah | Stony Brook Sunset

Peak: Moriah
Trails: Stony Brook, Carter Moriah Trail
Mileage: 10.12
Elevation Gain: 3,182′
Weather: 78F, Humidity 54%, wind 5.5MPH
Ground Conditions: Dry, easy hops over the stream
Notes: A straight forward sunset hike up the brook trail! Met two others on the summit that were planning on staying out for a little star gazing. On the way down we bumped into a pair making their way up Moriah to wrap a Cats>Moriah day! Enjoyed nice color throughout most of the descent off the tip top. The batteries faded out on the primary headlamp on the way down. I was happy to fire up the second headlamp as opposed to doing a battery changeout. Excellent night for a trip like this. Looking forward to more!

Photo Highlights

Nice night for a little color!
Headed up to the summit.
Looking over to the Baldfaces!
Katie heading up to the summit!
View opening up a bit more! Better views of the carters at this point.
Looking Southeast
A pano heading up!
Katie showing us the sights!
Looking out to the presies with end of day light!
A slightly closer look at the northern presies, wish i brought a point and shoot out for this one!
“We still got a ways”
it was nice!
Great color!
Great end of day light on the presies!
easy trade off for some fun colors on a nice hike!
Katie putting on a certified headlamp-rock-hopping clinic
Hiked in a real nice cut of baklava from a pre hike stop at GHOP!