Whiteface & Passaconaway 2-26-2023

Peaks: Whiteface & Passaconaway
Trails: Blueberry Ledge, Rollins, Dicey’s Mill
Mileage: 11.4
Elevation Gain: 3,953′
Weather: 6°F, 73% Humidity 91%, 2-3MPH at Ferncroft and maybe 5-10MPH at the summit. Cloudy with low overall visibility. A nice snow shower throughout the hike.
Ground Conditions: Mostly fresh soft snow/powder out there for most of the loop. Some spots had some ice under the surface and. I encountered a few slippery spots and other spots where a snowshoe might teeter on the edge of the packed trail on a misstep. Followed a set of human & dog tracks up the ledges and eventually bumped into that pair near the summit. After that, we had fresh tracks across rollins until we wrapped. Did not notice any major postholes.
Notes: Winter wonderland experience for the most part! I was too eager to get into the car post hike and forgot to take a picture of the lost & found.

Photo Highlights

Windblown section on Rollins trail!
Signage along the way around the bowl natural research area.
Water Crossing at the bottom of dicey’s mill trail!
A little more Signage
No bear dogs allowed here!
It’s private.
Katie & I near the summit of Whiteface.
Heading down from Passaconaway.
Katie near the summit of Whiteface.
Done with snowshoes!
Cloudy skies looking off Whiteface.